About Us

Fall Creek School-Age Program (FCSAP) provides quality childcare for 70 children enrolled in grades K-5 at the program's site, Fall Creek Elementary School in Ithaca, NY.  FCSAP is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Our after school program is a separate entity from Fall Creek Elementary School and the Ithaca City School District.

Our mission is to provide a warm, relaxed, semi-structured environment, with attention to each child's well-being.  Planning for activities and staffing is based on the individual interests and needs of the children, and their cultural diversity. Offerings are designed to provide stimulating choices that are exciting, and interesting, build skills and promote self-reliance and self-confidence.

Our goal is to provide recreation, choices for their leisure time, and a safe and peaceful environment.  Children are encouraged to grow emotionally, physically, cognitively, and socially.

Our philosophy models the values of Safety, Honesty, Acceptance, Respect, and Kindness. (SHARK) 

Emotionally: We provide a relaxed and nurturing environment that helps the children transition into and out of their school day.  They feel safe and secure with staff that listens to them and genuinely likes to play and interact with them. 

Physically: We offer daily outdoor play and organized gym activities to encourage kids to get exercise, practice teamwork, and good sportsmanship, and let their energy out! 

Cognitively: Activities are designed to foster self-confidence when working with various art media, crafts materials, and creating science experiments.  Areas are designated for dramatic play, blocks, table games, and other manipulative materials. 

Socially: The children have opportunities to play and work with children in their own age group, as well as children of other ages.  Older children can model behavior, skills, and learning processes for younger children.  Younger children provide older children with an opportunity to share what they have learned and to develop a sense of caring. We emphasize mutual cooperation, consideration of others, and peaceful coexistence. We encourage children to use their words to express their feelings and ask staff for help when they need support.

Activities: Our program offers both structured and non-structured activities.  We have daily access to the school library, gymnasium, kitchen, cafeteria, and playgrounds.  We offer arts and crafts daily, and specialty interest activities depending on our staff’s diverse talents. Some past offerings have been annimation, upcylcing, chess and gardening. There are organized gym activities for each age group and time designated for daily use of our playgrounds.  We have a variety of board games, books, manipulative materials, quiet activities, and daily story time.  

Snacks: A snack is provided at FCSAP, as well as morning and afternoon snacks during our full day programming. We offer a fruit or vegetable every day, and provide natural and organic ingredients whenever possible.

Hours of operation

Hours of Operation

 2:00 - 5:30 p.m. on regular school days 

Full-Day Program Hours

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. on most school holidays

When Ithaca City School District cancels school for the day, Fall Creek School Age Program IS CLOSED!  This includes snow days, days canceled due to ice, flooding, building problems, or any other cause for closing.


FCSAP will offer full days on:

FCSAP will not offer full days on: